A California woman is being forced by the court to pay her abusive ex-husband $1,000 a month in alimony. He is currently serving a jail sentence for sexually assaulting her in their residence.
The woman secretly filmed the abuse and subsequently took him to court. He was sentenced to six years in prison based on the attack and his background in domestic abuse. But, when he is released from jail he will begin to receive alimony from his now ex-wife. The reason for this being that she is the breadwinner of the family, making $11,000 a month while he only made $400.
Under California law, he is entitled to ask for spousal support and she is required to pay it. A rapist is still permitted to ask for support, only if a spouse was convicted of attempted murder does it eliminate the option for alimony. The California mother of two is currently trying to change this law.
If you or someone you know has questions about their alimony payments, please contact the Manhattan Beach alimony lawyers of the Law Offices of Baden V. Mansfield by calling 310-546-5858 today.