The sacredness of marriage has been questioned once again.
The popularity of celebrity divorces has shed light onto marital issues across the United States. The latest divorce filing by reality star, Kim Kardashian, after a mere 72 days has left many critics questionable about the marriage process.
Celebrities aren’t the only ones who are quick to end their marriage. The average divorce in the United States happens within the first three years of a couple being together. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, not even seven years ago the average marriage lasted eight years, which is double what they are expected to last now.
When young individuals don’t receive everything they are looking for in the relationship they are quick to move on to something else they think will fill that void. If you are considering divorce, you need experienced representation at your side. Please contact the Manhattan Beach divorce lawyers of the Law Offices of Baden V. Mansfield by calling 310-546-5858 today.